Drug treatment of prostatitis in men: a list of pills and other drugs

As much as the benefits of alternative methods have been described, medical treatment for prostatitis in men is the most effective. Its nomenclature is updated annually. In this article we will discuss prostatitis in men and its treatment with drugs. And also, what should be taken for prostatitis, what pills, name? We'll talk about that later.

Medication treatment


The followingtypes of drugs are used to treat prostatitis:antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, alpha-blockers, hormonal agents, immunocorrectors, muscle relaxants, biostimulants, multivitamins.

It should be noted that the treatment of prostatitis with drugs should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor!


The most common cause of prostatitis isbacterial infection.Antibiotics are the main means of killing bacteria.

To prescribe them, you need to make sure thathandles the bacterial form of prostatitis.

Otherwise, taking antibiotics will only harm.

The choice of a particular type of antibiotic depends on the type of pathogen identified.

Detectby laboratory methods.

Usually the doctor prescribes fluoroquinolones for the treatment of bacterial prostatitis: ciprofloxacin, gatiloxacin, lomefloxacin, moxifloxacin, ofloxacin. They are distinguished by their activity, permeability, action against many types of bacteria; when administered orally, they accumulate in the gland.

Antibiotics of all these types are taken in the form of injections (most effective), rectal suppositories and tablets.

In the acute form of the disease, the drug is taken from one to three months. In chronic use, the time depends on the degree of healing.

Chronic prostatitis is well treated with antibiotics under the names doxycycline hydrochloride, oleandomycin, erythromycin, cephalexin. They are especially effective in congestive inflammation: the pathogenic flora develops intensively precisely against the background of the accumulation of secretions. The accumulation of antibiotics in the gland helps prevent recurrence.


Prostatitis pills for men and other drugs

How to treat prostatitis in men? Pills, suppositories and other drugs.

Prostatitis drugs, suppositories and tablets - list:

  1. Alpha-1 blockers are used to improve urination (worsening is the main symptom of prostatitis).
  2. Alpha-adrenergic receptor blockers in the form of capsules, tablets. This group of drugs acts on the smooth muscles in the gland itself and in the bladder. Under their action, urine is excreted better and leaks, the flow of which is difficult in prostatitis.
  3. Non-steroids. Non-steroids are used to eliminate pain in the groin and perineum with prostatitis. The best of these are ketorolac tromethamine (injections, tablets). diclofenac sodium (injections, suppositories). Ketoprofen, ibuprofen, meloxicam (tablets, injections, suppositories) are also used in a similar scheme.

    Taking these drugs adversely affects the digestive system.

    Therefore, the regimen is usually for three days, followed by a weekly interval.

    Ketorolac tromethamine is taken once only for acute pain.

  4. Antispasmodics. If the cause of prostatitis pain is spasm of the muscles of the perineum with prostate adenoma, antispasmodics and muscle relaxants help well.
  5. Phytopreparations do not work so quickly and effectively in case of prostatitis, but they are harmless. They contain minerals, herbal extracts that have a complex effect: relieve inflammation, pain, spasms in the gland, some even kill bacteria. They are suitable for regular use during illness, in remission and for prevention.
  6. Candles. The filling of rectal suppositories for the treatment of prostatitis is performed with antibiotics, propolis, antispasmodics, components of the bovine glands and other components. Examples of drugs used with suppositories: bioprost, prostatilen, viferon, prostopin, olestezin. The use of suppositories for prostatitis eliminates swelling, pain, inflammation. With their help, sexual and urinary functions are restored, the development of vascular thrombosis is suppressed and blood circulation is improved.
  7. Chinese patches act on the inflammatory focus of the prostate by penetrating microparticles of the drug through the skin. This has been achieved through nanotechnology. In parallel, you can take antibiotics to enhance the effect.
  8. The prostate extract preparation (injection) combines several functions. Designed to strengthen the immune system, blood vessels, glandular cell walls, normalize blood circulation, tissue repair. All these processes with his help are accelerated at times.
  9. Hormonal drugs restore the balance of male sex hormones, its sexual function. From prostatitis, which pills to use? The best of these is finasteride in tablet form.
  10. In addition, patients are prescribed exercise therapy, physiotherapy, massage, water treatments.
  11. To improve immunity. Even in the presence of damaging factors, the pathology may not exist if the patient does not have a weakened immune system. To increase, immunomodulators are used:
  • Preparations: Taktivin, Inteferon, which increase immunity to foreign microbes;
  • Levamisole - a stimulant of T-lymphocytes;
  • tablets for prostatitis for men, including sodium nucleinate, which increase the activity of macrophage cells;
  • drugs from dried juice of the herb Echinacea purpurea, methyluracil to boost cellular immunity.

The most effective combination

The most effective is the combination of two forms of drug treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma - injections and rectal suppositories. Both are used in acute and chronic forms of the disease.

Example of an effective set of drugs for bacterial prostatitis:

  • injection of the non-steroidal ketorolac tromethamine to relieve acute pain;
  • tablets for the treatment of prostatitis in men alfuzosin hydrochloride to improve urination;
  • injection of the antibiotic ceftriaxone;
  • complex injection of prostate extract, interferon to improve immunity.

How to supplement the treatment?

For fast cure of prostatitis you need:

  • sleep 8-9 hours a day at night;
  • avoid stress;
  • eat right, diet;
  • forget about alcohol, smoking, gambling and other stress-related activities during prostatitis treatment;
  • regularly have sex with one partner;
  • do not put the prostate at risk of injury;
  • don't catch a cold;
  • move as much as possible.

Additionally required:

Physiotherapy.Physiotherapy procedures for prostatitis are performed by hardware exposure through the skin or mucous membranes of a patient with prostatitis.


They are usually performed on an outpatient basis. The devices can also be purchased for individual retail use.

Folk remedies for the treatment of prostatitis. These include: pumpkin seeds, hazel, aspen, chestnuts, propolis, parsley.

Microclysters are used to inject prostatitis medicines into the rectum according to their intended use.

Healing, mud baths treat prostatitis by warming problem areas, the action of beneficial substances contained in the liquid.

Prostate massageis ​​a very effective part of the complex therapy of prostatitis. Although you can't call it nice.

By direct action with a gloved finger, the doctor removes tension in the muscles of the gland, gradually relieving swelling.

As a result, the patient's pain disappears, the lobes of the organ acquire the same size and its functions are restored. There is leakage of secretions and stagnant sperm with harmful microflora.

Competent prostate massagewill only be performed by a specialist wearing special gloves, who must be called home for this.

The body is veryfragile, If you try to perform the same actions yourself (self-massage) or with the help of an incompetent person, you can seriously injure him with the risk of blood poisoning.Self-massagewith prostatitis is unacceptable!

Each exercise is useful for the prevention of prostatitis, starting with the usual morning exercises. But special exercises have been developed specifically against prostatitis.

A set of Kegel exercises is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. Identifying them is simple: a man holds back the flow of urine while writing. Those muscles (prostate muscles) that will work in this case and need to be trained.

  1. Stretch and relax the prostate muscles one after the other. The faster the better.
  2. We tighten the muscles, keep them tense for 4 seconds, relax smoothly.
  3. Gently tighten the muscles, as during defecation. Relax.

In the first lesson, repeat each of the exercises eight times. We repeat this cycle five times a day.

Increase the number of repetitions of each exercise in the cycle by four per week until we reach 45 repetitions. We do such exercises every day, while the problem with prostatitis is relevant.

Sauna has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, increases blood flow to the lower abdomen, improves immunity. The condition of a patient with prostatitis improves if the sauna is combined with diaphoretic tea, the use of apple cider vinegar.

Diet. In the diet of a patient with prostatitis, most are vegetables and fruits.

  • spices- parsley, mustard, horseradish - reduce inflammation, speed recovery;
  • onions, garlickill disease-causing bacteria;
  • improve blood circulation, potency;
  • zinc, necessary for prostate function, is found in seafood: shrimp, seaweed, crabs, fish, mussels.

A person with prostatitis should avoid these foods:

  • alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, tea;
  • fatty, smoked, fried foods, semi-finished products, fast food, baked goods;
  • legumes and canned food.

Yoga lessons, taking folk remedies, hot tubs, visiting the Russian bath and sauna, caltherapy will be a great addition.


Now you know which prostatitis pills, medications and medications to take. After completing drug treatment, we resume efforts to prevent the disease.

Prostatitis preventionincludes measures to prevent recurrence. For men over forty, such measures should be taken, whether treated or not.